Let me show you how to make $10k months with Body Sculpting
- working Part-time!
I know I know, it sounds too good to be true right? But this is the income that I consistently make PLUS more with my Dream Bodz body sculpting biz and I am here to show you how you can do the same with my Master Body Sculpting course!
If you have been following my instagram for a while you have seen for yourself - business is tBOOMING and it's all due to Body Sculpting and GINGERELLA ROX’S EXCLUSIVE INSTANT mapping techniques that creates insane results for my clients, ensuring they come back again and again and again.
It’s these exact mapping techniques that I have used to build my business and get awesome results for my clients and I’m very proud to say that I am now a Certified G-Rox Trainer and have the license to teach these epic GINGERELLA ROX EXCLUSIVE INSTANT MAPPING TECHNIQUES in my course - so you too can get incredible results for your clients!
Check out the BEFORE & AFTER Client results on my Instagram @dream.bodz for proof.
Within this mini mastermind you will be learning:
What is body sculpting?
Learn all about the hottest trend in beauty BODY SCULPTING which is a combination of fat cavitation, RF skin tightening, vacuum therapy and cellulite reduction.
Is it a good fit for you?
Let me show you how this business can be a great fit for anyone! Whether you're already in the industry or not. You do NOT need to be already in beauty to learn these techniques and become an awesome body sculpting technician - AND the absolute best part about this business is you can do it from HOME and work it around your kids and family - as you don't need a skin penetration licence because these treatments are non-invasive and pain-free!
How I have grown my Body Sculpting business over the past 14 months from $0 to $10k+ a month and how you can too!
18 months ago I was a stay-at-home mum, drowning in ‘mum-life’ and struggling to find my own identity again! I was yearning for something of my own, to contribute financially to our household, something to give me back some ‘me-time’, as well as something where I could be helping people and boosting women’s confidence, because that’s what truly lights me up!
- I chose Body Sculpting because it was a market that was about to BOOM!
- It also had very small start-up costs, online options to learn, and honestly - I thought why the heck not!
Who am I to teach you?
- I'm Ali Grover - I have been in and out of the beauty industry now for the past 20 years, so I have extensive background knowledge in what works and what doesn’t within the industry. I know how to build a clientele from scratch, how to build rapport quickly with clients, how to market a new business, how to give clients amazing results and I built a 6 figureTHRIVING Body Sculpting business within 14 months - and I’m here to teach YOU all I know!
Starting my Body Sculpting Biz gave me purpose, income, passion, my own business, a drive to succeed and much much more - and being able to offer this opportunity to others so they can grow their own businesses and get everything out of it that I have and more, really sets my soul on FIRE and I can’t wait to help you on this incredible journey.
Ok lovely - Let's get started...sign up for this FREE webinar Masterclass and get all the info! -
You literally have NOTHING to lose!
Ali x
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